Find Your Authentic Path


Here are the foundational steps for all Authentic Path Programs:

1) Explore Possibilities

From our first meeting, you’ll get a taste for the possibilities our work can open up for you. Together we will unearth your dreams.

2) Map Your Authentic Path

I’ll provide you with tools and guidance to map your authentic path and bring your dreams to life. We’ll begin with your destination in mind, map out a route to get there, and create an inspiring itinerary, allowing for plenty of spontaneity, serendipity, coincidences, and unseen support!

3) Be Well Supplied Before You Set Out

I believe that well-being is the foundation of everything – that the degree to which you nurture your personal well-being is the degree to which you can show up in life. We’ll make sure you keep your energetic batteries charged and your cup constantly refilled as you move in the direction of your dreams.

4) Discover Your True Self

Early in our coaching together we’ll have a life-changing conversation, to discover and name your Essence – the “who” that you really are. Your Essence is your personal combination of divine qualities that is unique to you, your personal access to Infinite Possibility.

We’ll also uncover and bring to light your Brilliant Contraption – that which you are not! Your Brilliant Contraption is your unique Operating System, created by you when you were small to keep you safe and survive to adulthood -- only now, its default settings are running on automatic, robbing you of Choice.

5) Embark and Align Your Inner Compass

These 4 elements, your Dreams, your Essence, your understanding of your Brilliant Contraption, and your Well Being, form the basis for your transformational journey to become more of who you really are, and create the life you came here to live. As you become more aware of your Essence and your Brilliant Contraption as separate and distinct, you open the door to Choice, your greatest power!

6) Receive Unshakeable Support

I’ll be your intrepid guide and ally, supplying you with tools and resources, encouragement, and inspiration every step of the way. As your human dream-catcher, I will be an unshakeable stand for your dreams. Together we’ll challenge your negative self-talk and limiting beliefs. And no matter how you show up, I will be there to remind you of who you really are and what you can create from your unique, precious Being.

7) Transform Your Sense of Self

Your personal transformation is the ultimate prize on your Hero’s Journey. As you practice overcoming obstacles, you will begin to make the transition from relying on your Brilliant Contraption to keep you safe, to inhabiting your invincible Essence. This is the transformation that will be with you for the rest of your life, long after our work together is complete.

What’s Calling you to Coaching?